Chapter Links and Resources

Useful Links & Resources​

Sub List For
Click on the link at left to view a list of Chapter members who are willing to serve as substitute organists, pianists, directors, or private teachers. The Chapter has not auditioned those on the list and does not make any claims about their capabilities.
AGO National Website American Guild of Organists
National Headquarters
Central Arizona Chapter American Guild of Organists
Central Arizona Chapter
American Guild of Organists
Southern-Nevada-AGO-Chapter-Logo Southern Nevada Chapter
American Guild of Organists


Rate Data Updated: 9/12/2023

If you are interested in supporting the Southern Arizona Chapter of the AGO with advertising, please contact: Fern Hieb barryfern68 -at- gmail -dot- com

Make checks payable to: Southern Arizona Chapter AGO.

Mail to:
Fern Hieb
2515 E. 7thSt.
Tucson, AZ 85716-4701



  • Ads may be in black and white or color
  • Image Format: JPEG (JPG)

  The Cypher & SAAGO Directory Publishing Schedule

  • The 2024–2025 Directory (Printed Annually) in the Fall
  • The Cypher is published on:
    • October 15, 2024
    • November 15, 2024
    • December 15, 2024
    • January 15,2025
    • February 15, 2025
    • April 15, 2025

  SAAGO Directory (Published Annually) Rates

  • 1/2 pg (horizontal) (4.5″w x 3.25″h)
  • Full pg (4.5″w x 7″h)
  • Inside Back Cover (4.5″w x 7.5″h)
  • Inside Front Cover (4.5″w x 7.5″h)
  • Business card (3.5″w x 2″h)
  • $50
  • $75
  • $100
  • $125
  • $25

  SAAGO Newsletter – The Cypher Annual Rates

  • 1/4 pg (3″w x 5″h) (1 issue)
  • 1/4 pg (3″w x 5″h) (Season)
  • 1/2 pg (7.25″w x 4.5″h) (1 issue)
  • 1/2 pg (7.25″w x 4.5″h) (Season)
  • Full pg (7.75″w x 10.25″h) (1 issue)
  • Full pg (7.75″w x 10.25″h) (Season)
  • Business card (3.5″w x 2″h) (1 issue)
  • Business card (3.5″w x 2″h) (Season)
  • SAAGO Website (Any Size)
  • $9
  • $75
  • $12
  • $100
  • $17
  • $150
  • $8.50
  • $75
  • $50

Updated: 07/04/2024 | RSH

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