Two to Improvise: Susanne and Johannes Ebenbauer, voice and organ

February 9, 2024 @ 7:30 pm
St. Philip's In the Hills Episcopal Church
4440 North Campbell Avenue
Tucson AZ 85718
$20 admission; students and AGO members free

Organist Johannes Ebenbauer and his wife, Susanne Ebenbauer, will present music for voice and organ and for organ solo. The program will include improvisation by both artists.

Johannes Ebenbauer writes, “Composed music and improvised music are like two sides of the same coin: they complement and inspire each other. In this concert, works by Bach, Frescobaldi, Byrd, Dowland, and Muffat will be juxtaposed with improvisations in various Baroque and comtemporary styles.”

The performance is sponsored by the Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Students and AGO members will be admitted free of charge. Admission for non-members is $20.

Program details

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